5 High-Value Use Cases for iPaaS Integration

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Lucy Fuggle
Lucy Fuggle



iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) isn't a one-size-fits-all solution, but there are benefits for every business. It's a salve for disconnected apps, data silos, and unreliable data, whether you have a small business or a large corporation.

Manager explaining the use case of their ipaas integration

iPaaS integration enables you to build a more connected organization by synchronizing your apps. It connects otherwise disjointed systems to streamline operations, free up your time from manual data updates, and deliver a unified experience for customers.

If your business uses multiple apps, you can benefit from iPaaS. One of the best things about iPaaS is the vast scope for flexibility and customization – there are thousands of different combinations for syncing apps, and each of those syncs is highly customizable too.

But what are some examples of iPaaS in action?

Here are a few use cases of iPaaS integration that show the breadth of possibilities for different types of businesses and teams.

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Examples of iPaaS Integration

Let's cover some use cases where iPaaS can help optimize your business.

1. Ecommerce Stores: Connect your ecommerce software and accounting app.

If you're an ecommerce business using a platform like Shopify or WooCommerce to power your store, save time, and reduce scope for error by ensuring your customer data plays nicely with your other apps.

One of the best iPaaS integrations is syncing your ecommerce software with your accounting app, like QuickBooks. This can include syncing tax information and properties for purchased products so you have the most accurate view in both apps.

2. Digital Agencies: Connect multiple contact repositories.

Most digital agencies use a lot of apps, often including multiple CRMs and marketing apps to build the most in-depth view of every contact. Agencies also need to stay on top of billing for every client, jump on the phone with them, etc. If these tools aren't connected, it's easy for data to spiral out of control.

A quick way for digital agencies to add data for new clients to their different apps is with iPaaS.

Some digital agencies avoid the chaos of storing data in different databases and enrichment apps by keeping them in sync through an iPaaS. By using similar tags or labels in each app, they can easily maintain their segmentation across tools and create sophisticated contact data workflows with little effort.

3. Marketing Teams: Connect your email marketing software and CRM.

Marketing teams are one of the most likely departments to benefit from iPaaS integration. The reason why? Marketers use so many apps.

Connecting your email marketing app and CRM is one of the most straightforward iPaaS integrations to start with.

This sync benefits marketers by enriching their email lists with CRM data for better segmentation and personalization. And with a two-way sync, it benefits sales by syncing marketing-qualified leads back to the CRM with the latest information attached to the contact record.

4. Sales Teams: Connect your contact enrichment apps and sales automation software.

Most sales teams know the power of automation, but you can get even better results from it by syncing your data. The more apps you integrate with, the more data you have to personalize your automation workflows and deliver exactly the right messaging at the right time.

A powerful iPaaS solution for sales teams is connecting your contact enrichment apps, like DataValidation, and sales automation software.

5. Customer Support Teams: Connect your support software and CRM.

It's not enough for customer support and service teams to deliver excellent experiences – they need to be consistent.

iPaaS is every service team's secret weapon for creating seamless customer experiences, no matter who they're speaking to in the department (or even the entire company).

With an iPaaS sync between your CRM and customer support software, you can view the most comprehensive and up-to-date information in both apps, so everyone can always see the full story for every customer.

iPaaS Integration Isn't One-Size-Fits-All

The trick to getting results from iPaaS is creating the perfect fit for your business. Luckily for you, that's easy to do.

Start by identifying which data lives in each of your apps, and map out how your apps should work together.

You can then find a user-friendly iPaaS solution to start connecting the dots between your apps for the most intricate and flexible sync for your organization.

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