Advertising agencies spend hundreds, if not millions, of dollars every year hoping to get into that wonderful, enriching, agency-building new business pitch.

Winning the right pitch often transforms an agency’s future. But pitching itself is fraught with uncertainty and mistakes that are made by both agencies and their prospective clients. It's a world filled with hope, fear, and even loathing.
Welcome to The Agency Post’s new column Pitch Pain.
Pitch Pain explores the fascinating world of advertising agency pitch experiences. It gives agencies, clients, and search consultants a forum to air their best and worst pitch experiences.
Each revealing and occasionally humorous story (just think of the schadenfreude) will include a brief review of any home runs or mistakes made and how-to insights to help us all learn from our dear industry colleague’s experiences.
So, agencies, clients, and search consultants: Send us your favorite pitch stories. You can name names or exclude them if you think anonymity is a wise move.
I've pitched globally for Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising and regionally for my Portland agency Citrus and will be moderating and managing this column. If you have questions, you can reach me at peter [@]
Check out the first edition: Pitching Adidas and Bloody Baby Seals.
It's Your Turn:
Submit your favorite winning, losing, fun, and painful pitch stories here.