Google's Tool: Our Mobile Planet

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Emily Eldridge
Emily Eldridge



Google’s Our Mobile Planet, an online tool for the analysis of smartphone usage, was released earlier this fall. The tool allows marketers and curious consumers to harvest data and create charts reflecting the penetration, behavior, activities, commerce and advertising associated with smartphone usage around the world.

Results from more than 30 countries can be included in data filtering, and there are demographic categories that can be applied. The data has been taken from the Global Mobile Research: The Smartphone User & The Mobile Marketer, a study conducted in partnership between Google, Ipsos and the Mobile Marketing Association.

How can you use this in your mobile strategy, and what are some things you should keep in mind when reflecting on the data?


  • This data was collected between March and June of 2011, which means it is a static sample.
  • Study participants self-selected themselves as "private smartphone owners and users," which can have varied meaning across cultures.
  • There is no data from Latin America.
  • Google has an Android platform, and thus, many reasons to promote smartphone usage data.

How I would use it:

  • Think of this data set as a springboard to start educating yourself about the power of mobile around the world.
  • Explore it. Apply various filters using the tool and record those findings that seem unexpected to you.
  • Do MORE research! If you find a compelling data point, try to find a more recent, more detailed version to justify your strategy.
  • Know that sometimes you will have to experiment. You are most likely not going to find every data point needed to justify your strategy. There are still unknowns in mobile, especially as you start innovating new ways to use it. Equip yourself with as much data as you can, along with examples, user testing, a capable team and go at it!

Chart courtesy of Our Mobile Planet.

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