Real or AI-Generated? You Guess [Quiz]

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Martina Bretous
Martina Bretous



Think you're good at spotting AI-generated content? Here's your test.

real or ai-generated

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It's getting harder to differentiate between what's real and what's AI these days. Take this quiz and find out how good you are at finding AI footage, voices, and personalities.

Scroll all the way down for the answers. 

1. Which image is AI generated?

real or ai generated image example 1-2

2. Is this song AI-generated? 


3. Did Oatly write this social media caption?

"Ah, the world can be a lonely place for those of us whose true love is oats. But today, on #WorldMilkDay, we're feeling pretty connected. Why? Because the FDA just declared that our beloved oat potion can officially keep its ‘milk’ title—even though it’s proudly dairy-free.

So, here’s to all the oat enthusiasts who’ve ever dreamt of a world where our oat milk can sit proudly next to the cow stuff. We made it, folks!"

4. Is this drone shot real or AI?

5. Is this a human talking or an AI voice? 


6. Which online creator is AI-generated?

real or ai generated image example 2


Is this macro shot of a dandelion real or AI?


Answer Key

  1. AI = A, Real = B. The image on the left was created by ChatGPT. The one on the right is taken from a larger illustration from this The New York Times story
  2. AI - A hit song all generated on Suno. Impressive, right?
  3. AI - Generated by ChatGPT, inspired by Oatly's signature tone. 
  4. Real - This is real drone footage shot published on YouTube
  5. AI - While the script is pulled from an NPR report, the audio was voiced by an ElevenLabs voice actor. 
  6. AI = B, Real = A. Model B is an AI influencer named Lia Zadley created by marketing agency This character based on (and designed with) famous music producer Chris Zadley - find her Instagram profile here. Model A is Shae Barnes, a real online creator. 
  7. AI - This footage is one of the video demos from Runway's Gen 3 Alpha release

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