Jenny Romanchuk

Jenny Romanchuk

Jenny Romanchuk is a content marketing manager and a business development specialist who has written over 100 articles for senior sales, SEO, and marketing professionals just in the past two years. Prior to that, Jenny managed a team of five content marketers who published 200+ articles on SEJ, SEW, HubSpot, WordStream, MOZ, OrbitMedia, and more. This resulted in a robust backlink profile and growth in SERPs. Currently, Jenny continues writing freelance marketing content and is acting head of partnerships at the district #1 charitable fund with the goal of raising money for Ukraine's recovery projects.

What's next in Marketing?

Jenny Romanchuk recommends the State of Marketing Report, HubSpot's annual deep-dive into what marketers are doing now and where the industry is headed, and actionable insights into how to master emerging trends.

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