A Super Simple Explanation of Inbound Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC]

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Pamela Vaughan
Pamela Vaughan



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As extreme inbound marketing advocates, we love when we see businesses drink the inbound marketing Kool-Aid, eat the inbound marketing dog food, sip the inbound marketing champagne, or just, you know -- adopt the inbound marketing methodology. And we love it even more when they evangelize it, as HubSpot Partner The Whole Brain Group has recently done with its new infographic featured below.

So if you're just catching on to the concept of inbound marketing and are looking for a super simple explanation of how it compares to a more traditional marketing strategy -- and how a really effective inbound marketing strategy works -- take a few minutes to check out The Whole Brain Group 's rundown.

 (Click infographic to enlarge.)

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Do you plan to incorporate inbound marketing tactics into your overall marketing strategy? If you've already started, what success have you had so far?

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