Look at you. You've researched your inbound leads and you're ready to kick off your sales process with one. It's time to connect!

But there's more to connecting than just picking up the phone. You need to have a system. A plan. A sales process that's tailored for inbound lead success.
Don't have one? Here's a plan that works for me.
1. Call and Email Every Time
When you leave a voicemail with a prospect you have yet to connect with, it's vital that you follow that voicemail up with a corresponding email. Every single time.
Getting in touch with your leads in two different ways at the same time highlights your connect attempts as being important and being of priority. Two heads are better than one; two leads are better than one; two touches are better than one.
But what should these emails and voicemails consist of? I'm so glad you asked.
Provide Value at Every Step
The secret to an effective sales process is to deliver increasing value with each interaction. This will help you achieve the the highest possible response rate. Here's how I generally approach creating value throughout the prospecting process with an inbound lead:
Voicemail and Email 1
Introduce yourself and your company. Explain why you are reaching out. Offer a general value statement. Leave the voicemail first, then follow up with the email.
Subject: 10 minutes Free Tomorrow?
Hi [name],
The recent news article about your company in XYZ Mag is a great resource to share with your prospects. Have you leveraged it on your website establish credibility? Happy to schedule a call to discuss [industry] strategies specifically around sharing that awesome news piece to generate leads. I also had a couple of suggestions to pass along -- ways you might improve
[your company’s main value proposition] for [lead’s company name].
Let me know what works best.
Sales Rep
Voicemail and Email 2
Offer a light introduction. Tell them why you are calling. Provide a specific value
statement or suggestion that shows that you have done research and spent time learning about their needs. Leave the voicemail first, then follow up with the email.
Subject: Ideas and Suggestions for [Company Name]
Hi [name]
You've been to our website and used some of our resources. I've reviewed your website and have some suggestions on how to [your company’s value proposition]. For example, [**ADD TIP HERE**].
When would be the best time for us to connect?
Sales Rep
Voicemail and Email 3
Tell them why you are calling or emailing them. Offer them an idustry tip or new piece of
content. Leave the voicemail first, then follow up with the email.
Subject: What is your Biggest [your company’s industry]
You've been to our website and used our resources. Now why not use this 3-question self-assessment to determine where your biggest opportunity exists?
Take the 3-question self-assessment and download a customized [industry] plan here:
When would you have some time to discuss?
Sales Rep
Voicemail and Email 4
Offer to set up a meeting in your preferred format. Leave the voicemail first, then follow up with the email.
Subject : [Your Company] Free 30-Minute Consultation
You've been to our website and used our resources. I've reviewed your website and have some suggestions on how to [value proposition]. For example, [**ADD TIP HERE**].
[Your Company] offers a 15-minute assessment where we can review more tips and suggestions that you can implement today to [unique value proposition].
What is the best time this week to connect?
Sales Rep
By changing your message each time and consistently delivering new value to your lead, you give yourself the best chance to connect with them. It's important to call and email in each of the steps above. If you are looking for a complete guide to email prosepcting, check out these templates.
What steps do you follow when trying to get in touch with your inbound leads?