Introducing 2 New Ways to Build on HubSpot

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Marcus Andrews
Marcus Andrews



HubSpot is the central nervous system of the best sales and marketing teams around the world. These teams use HubSpot to grow and transform how they sell and market. However, they are also using other software to run their business.

We want to make it easy to add these other systems into HubSpot, because it's better for our customers when things just work together. So we’re launching two new APIs, Timeline and Webhooks, to make it easier than ever to build on HubSpot. 

Introducing the New APIs

A great example of how developers use these APIs is Eventbrite. Eventbrite is a free tool that helps marketers create and manage events. It’s a great tool, but HubSpot users need the contact data from Eventbrite events, in HubSpot. They want to email and nurture the folks who attend their events.

To make that happen we have a free, powerful integration with Eventbrite, built on the Timeline API and used by over a thousand of our customers. The integration pulls contact data from Eventbrite events into HubSpot. Showing you which events leads registered for, attended and much more. Customers can then use HubSpot to follow up with these leads, build lists based on event history and create workflows that nurture them into customers.

This is one example of close to 50 HubSpot integrations that make it simple and easy for our customers different systems to work together. This creates a situation for them where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Last year, to provide this integrated experience, we created the HubSpot Connect program. As we look to 2017, we’re doubled down on our this ecosystem by focusing on the tools developers need to build world class integrations. We’ve examined the different use cases and built these new APIs specifically for how developers want to integrate with HubSpot.

"The great thing about these new APIs is that they are built around specific use cases. Other APIs can feel like a bit like a data dump and while we have similar APIs public, Timeline and Webhooks are built for developers trying to do something specific."

- Paul Schwarz, Technical Lead @ HubSpot

We are excited to open up our Timeline API to all customers and partners. As well as, introduce a brand new Webhooks API. Veiw the documenation.

Timeline API

The contact database sits at the center of HubSpot. It’s connected to every tool, actively absorbing new information about prospects and customers.The Timeline API gives you write access to the contact timeline, allowing you to add your own custom events to HubSpot. These events become a signal in HubSpot, from which marketers can build lists, targeted email and much more.

View the Timeline Documentation


Featured Timeline Integrations

Marketing isn't about emails and landing pages. It’s about connecting with your audience. Offline events are one of the oldest and most successful ways for to connect, face to face. The HubSpot - Eventbrite integration brings the power and scale of HubSpot contacts and marketing automation to offline events. Helping you nurture leads from events and track which events create customers.

"Engaging live with customers is essential for a complete marketing strategy. The Timeline API made it simple for our clients to surface the complex data we generate around events where it's most valuable for marketers, HubSpot."
- Dylan Serota, Head of Platform, Eventbrite

Salespeople save time and deliver better proposals through PandaDoc. An all-in-one software to create, deliver, and eSign your team’s quotes, proposals and contracts. Through a simple Chrome extension, HubSpot CRM users can now combine PandaDoc with all their CRM data.

"One of the greatest challenges with sales related data is knowing when to expose the right data. HubSpot's Timeline API made it easy for PandaDoc to provide actionable insights to our joint users when it matters most. We didn't have to think about it, Timeline just made it much more simple and intuitive to integrate."

- Serge Barysiuk, CTO PandaDoc.

Webhooks API

HubSpot’s Webhooks API syncs data to your app from HubSpot in near real time. You can subscribe to Contact, Company, and Deal creation, property update, and deletion events in HubSpot, and we’ll push that data to your app anytime one of the events occurs. If your app is used by multiple customers, you can configure Webhooks once and they’ll work across all portals connected to your app, and we handle error retries and logging on your behalf.

View the Webhooks Documentation

With Webhooks we can help handle use cases that might create issues for small teams without well developed infrastructure. Such as, rate limiting to make sure you don’t crash your system, and retries on error. We know smaller teams have to stay scrappy and we can leverage the HubSpot infrastructure to help.
Paul Schwarz, Technical Lead @ HubSpot

HubSpot, the Sales and Marketing Platform

Our customers are excited for this new world where there is a software solution for everything. They need these new tools to integrate into HubSpot to be successful. So we want to facilitate strong integrations, that feel like just another part of the HubSpot suite. The idea of HubSpot as a platform is a new one and we’re just at the beginning. For instance, we understand that our customer data belongs to them and they should be able to do with it what they want. So we're thinking about safe ways to open up the data in HubSpot analytics to integrators. We want to help startups and technology companies leverage our big data systems to make things better for our customers. We'll also continue to focus on helping our customer find new technology that can help them grow. They also need help finding the right solutions, solutions they can be sure will work and plug into how the operate.

We look forward to growing our ecosystem, partnering with amazing developers and introducing our customers the best tools to help them grow their business. Start building today at

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