How a Targeted User Experience Can Increase Site Traffic

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Angela Hicks
Angela Hicks



In 2014, Nosco had a large problem on their hands: maintaining four websites for each different market they serve was getting more difficult and confusing to navigate.


However, one thing was clear; their website visitors were overwhelmed and confused with all of the options and their own staff was struggling to maintain and report on all of the similar content. 

With 85 years of experience in the business, the HubSpot customer Nosco expanded their packaging products to serve a number of different markets and needed to address each market in a different way.

Nosco knew they needed some help to consolidate and re-design. That's when HubSpot Partner Agency Duoconsulting suggested using smart content to combine the four websites and untangle the reporting problems that come with having multiple websites. 

How Smart Content Was Used

Consolidating four websites into one was not going to be an easy task, regardless of the platform. Hosting the single website on HubSpot would allow for using smart content tools in order to better target Nosco's key markets and provide a more streamlined content browsing experience.

The website move allowed Nosco to address three sizable concerns:

  • Ensure that visitors are finding the content they need
  • Gain more engagement and interaction from visitors and leads
  • Create a manageable system for similar content of different product lines

Building a Better Website Experience

The initial reasoning behind creating separate websites for different markets remained. Each market that Nosco works with has entirely different needs and very different buyer personas.

The tone and language that would be effective with one persona would not be suitable for another market. Research across their four websites indicated that each market or persona even navigates to different content since they have different needs in a solution.

The new all-encompassing website would rely on a new visual language: color. By establishing a brand color for each of the four markets, a consistent experience is generated for each market. As a visitor navigates from page to page, the content is unified under the same color.


The homepage needed to serve many different markets at once, which was a different scenario than before. By using the same branding colors and calls-to-action to help visitors navigate, Nosco's new homepage directs visitors to the content they need and in turn, resulting in higher lead generation then the previous four websites. 

Adding Smart Content

Since all of the websites had been combined, how would Nosco maintain and update their content that had previously been on multiple websites? How would their website reporting change? Would the singular website report provide less information and details when the previous websites had segmented their markets? 

By using smart content, Duoconsulting created a unique reporting solution by using custom tracking URLs and a custom campaign for each market and each product/service. 

Creating custom campaigns to trigger the smart content meant that Nosco's HubSpot account would not need to have several related product pages.


While the smart content solution may be an advanced, customized set-up, the results were clear: Nosco was able to quickly locate and change their content for all of the markets they serve. 

The Outcome

After setting up smart content to consolidate their four websites in to one, Nosco experienced a 67% increase in monthly website visits shortly after consolidating. There was also a significant increase in the number of visits from direct traffic. The increased traffic implies that their website was easier to find, but what about the user engagement?

The bounce rate on one of Nosco's previous websites was almost 80% on average. A consolidated website nearly doubled the page views with a 91% increase, and saw an uplift in time on site. In short, the average user on Nosco's consolidated website was spending more time, browsing more content

Is Contextual Marketing Right for You?

If contextual marketing isn’t part of your current strategy, then you may want to consider it in the future. Read more about getting started with contextual marketing here.  There are a lot of possibilities for creating a highly personalized user experience on your website, much like this example. 

Nosco needed to solve a complex problem of consolidating all of the websites into one single website. Using smart content turned out to be a 'smart' solution to combine the content.

The result was not only a great benefit to Nosco's website users, but for Nosco's content management as well. Smart content has kept Nosco from having to sift through multiple versions of the same content or comb through duplicate pages. Organized pages makes it even easier to locate, edit, and report on all of their content for each of the different markets they serve. 

The proof is in the reporting: an easily navigated site helped users find the solutions they need to yield lower bounce rates and increased visits.

Have you considered smart content for your website, but haven't been able to use it yet? Let us know in the comments.

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