How Millennials and Baby Boomers Consume User-Generated Content [Infographic]

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Sophia Bernazzani Barron
Sophia Bernazzani Barron



Between photos of beautiful dinners created with the help of meal delivery services to videos featuring the "unboxing" of a new mobile phone, people love to share their experiences with brands on social media.


This type of content is known as user-generated content (UGC), which is produced by actual product users through their own publishing and social media platforms.

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Many brands have started sharing UGC on their own social media channels to leverage user social proof and show their products being used in action. And while consumers might agree that UGC is more trustworthy than content created by brands themselves, there's a generation gap when it comes to how consumers interact with UGC.

Olapic surveyed consumers of all ages to determine how they viewed and interacted with UGC on social media, and they found that 76% of those surveyed thought UGC was more trustworthy than branded content. However, they determined differences between which types of UGC millennials and baby boomers preferred, and what social networks they liked to use. Read the infographic below to learn more about how to inspire trust in consumers by using UGC on social media.


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