How to Create Buyer Personas in 3 Minutes [Free HubSpot Sales Training Excerpt]

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Lauren Hintz
Lauren Hintz



Modern, successful salespeople lead with a message personalized to the buyer’s context, not based on what the seller's goals are.


The seller no longer has all the power because buyers can get virtually whatever information they want about a product on the internet.

So building out your sales process to be personalized is essential -- otherwise you won't provide any value to your buyers. Context for that personalized message could be the buyer’s industry, role, interests, common connections, or buyer activity on social media or the seller's website. To do this, salespeople have to put themselves in their buyer's shoes. At scale, this means creating buyer personas that salespeople can use as a barometer against the prospects they speak with. 

The 3-minute video below is an excerpt from HubSpot Academy's free sales training course.

It explains best practices for segmenting your target market, creating buyer personas and includes an example company to demonstrate these techniques in action.

HubSpot Video

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