24 Sales Experts You Should Be Following on Twitter

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Meg Prater (she/her)
Meg Prater (she/her)



But … I’m on the phone all day. I don’t even have time to know what Twitter is!” I believe you. Just take a second to hear me out about why following sales experts on Twitter is so important.

The biggest takeaway? It will make you better at your job.

By following sales experts on Twitter, you can quickly and easily tap into some of the best minds in the business right when you need them the most. Plus, you can seriously impress your boss with relevant, insightful watercooler talk.

Here are a few of the top sales influencers on Twitter. They’re active, they’re engaged, and they’re sharing tons of advice, motivational quotes, and timely information that will have an immediate impact on your work.

24 Sales Leaders You Need to Know

1) Mike Weinberg, 22K Followers, @mike_weinberg

Who He Is: Mike is a consultant, speaker, and the author of two best-selling books, New Sales. Simplified and Sales Management. Simplified.

What He’s Tweeting: You’ll find Mike tweeting industry podcasts and articles, and anything Porsche-related -- for when you close that really big deal.

2) Jill Rowley, 37K Followers, @jill_rowley

Who She Is: Jill advises startups and teaches the strategy behind successful social selling.

What She’s Tweeting: Jill is a great person to follow to keep a pulse on the latest happenings in social selling and the sales industry as a whole. You’ll find articles on cutting-edge trends like AI in sales, motivational quotes, and coverage of hot industry events in her feed.

3) Jeffrey Gitomer, 111K Followers, @gitomer

Who He Is: Jeffrey is a sales coach, professional speaker, and the author of 12 books including Little Red Book of Selling and Sales Bible.

What He’s Tweeting: A prolific writer with a sage perspective on sales, you’ll be most interested to read his original articles that he shares almost every day along with pick-me-up quotes and announcements on where he’s speaking next.

4) Brian Tracy, 391K Followers, @BrianTracy

Who He Is: Brian is a giant in the sales profession. He’s CEO of Brian Tracy International™ and the author of many books including The Psychology of Selling: Increase Your Sales Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible.

What He’s Tweeting: Come to Brian’s Twitter feed for inspiring sales quotes you never knew you needed to hear and stay for entrepreneurial advice that will have you dreaming big. Brian also uses Twitter to share his latest downloadable content and information-rich blog articles.

5) David Hoffeld, 103K Followers, @DavidHoffeld

Who He Is: David serves as CEO and science-based sales trainer at The Hoffeld Group. He’s also the author of The Science of Selling.

What He’s Tweeting: You guessed it: David primarily shares scholarly articles on the science behind sales. His passion for the subject is infectious, and his ability to transform science-based sales research into easily implementable tactics is simply amazing.

6) Lori Richardson, 21K Followers, @scoremoresales

Who She Is: Lori is CEO of Score More Sales, a company that coaches, trains, and inspires salespeople and sales leadership to success.

What She’s Tweeting: Lori’s feed is a great daily roundup of actionable industry articles and podcasts. From sales leadership strategies to avoiding the dreaded sales rut, you’ll find a curated variety of blog posts that will have an immediate, positive impact on your day.

7) Anthony Iannarino, 74K Followers, @iannarino

Who He Is: You’ve probably read his writing on The Sales Blog, the popular online publication he runs. He’s also a public speaker and the author of The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need.

What He’s Tweeting: Follow Anthony for a steady stream of well-sourced articles about sales leadership and how to close more deals. Anthony’s feed is also an easy way to stay up-to-date on his latest posts and podcasts for The Sales Blog.

8) Michael Port, 15K Followers, @michaelport

Who He Is: Michael is the New York Times best-selling author of six books including Book Yourself Solid and Steal the Show.

What He's Tweeting: He shares new episodes of his weekly podcast, Steal the Show, as well as tips on and trainings for public speaking and sales leadership.

9) Jeb Blount, 123K Followers, @SalesGravy

Who He Is: Jeb is the founder of Sales Gravy, a sales enablement consultancy, and author of Fanatical Prospectingand Sales EQ.

What He’s Tweeting: Jeb shares a broad mix of important industry articles (including those from the widely read Sales Gravy Blog). He also shares coaching opportunities and success stories from sales teams and companies Sales Gravy has helped.

10) Bob Burg, 111K Followers, @BobBurg

Who He Is: Bob is a speaker and the best-selling author of The Go-Giver, Endless Referrals, and Adversaries into Allies.

What He’s Tweeting: Head to Bob’s Twitter for the latest installments of his Go-Giver podcast where he interviews impressive entrepreneurs and other sales thought leaders. His feed is also peppered with quick, snackable tips for salespeople and advice from other industry legends.

11) Andrea Waltz, 23K Followers, @GoforNo

Who She Is: Andrea has built a career helping people overcome fear of failure and rejection in the business world. She’s an accomplished keynote speaker and co-author of the best-selling book Go for No!

What She’s Tweeting: You’ll find quotes, tips, and strategies to help you move past your fear of rejection and close more sales.

12) Dan Waldschmidt, 248K Followers, @DanWaldo

Who He Is: Dan leads a company called The Edgy Empire. In their own words, Edgy gives anyone who wants it, “the kick in the pants they need to pull themselves out of the muck of mediocrity and achieve outrageous success.” You’ll often see him retweeted by many of the other sales experts included on this list.

What He’s Tweeting: Follow Dan for a first look at the hottest podcasts, videos, and articles about sales. Dan shares tons of great resources on finding success and doing away with the excuses that are keeping you from achieving great things.

13) Gary Vaynerchuk, 1.5 Million Followers, @garyvee

Who He Is: We couldn’t have this list without Gary Vee, right? Gary is the CEO of Vaynermedia. He’s also a prolific vlogger, podcaster, and author. Gary made a name for himself as an early investor in Twitter, Snapchat, Uber, and Venmo, but he built the Gary Vee empire from pure hustle.

What He’s Tweeting: Quotes, advice, articles, and, of course, The #AskGaryVee Show are just a smattering of the offerings you’ll find on his Twitter feed. Working against a huge goal this quarter? This is ground zero for motivation.

14) Jill Konrath, 40K Followers, @jillkonrath

Who She Is: Jill is CEO and chief sales officer of Jill Konrath where she helps salespeople speed up new customer acquisition and win bigger contracts. She’s a regular speaker on the conference circuit and the best-selling author of several books, including Agile Selling and More Sales, Less Time.

What She’s Tweeting: From tips on capturing your prospect’s attention to the latest relevant studies from Harvard, Jill’s Twitter feed is a treasure trove of immediately actionable information.

15) Daniel Pink, 384K Followers, @DanielPink

Who He Is: You may recognize Daniel from his TED Talk on motivation or because you’ve read his popular book, To Sell Is Human. Or maybe you’re a fan of his bi-weekly podcast, Pinkcast. Or perhaps you tune in to his monthly video series, Sell Like a Human. As a salesperson, you should be familiar with Daniel Pink in some capacity, and his Twitter feed is a good place to begin.

What He’s Tweeting: Articles about productivity, fostering a better workplace, and scientific findings about sales and marketing are just a few of the topics Daniel covers in his feed.

16) Matt Heinz, 112K Followers, @heinzmarketing

Who He Is: Matt serves as president of Heinz Marketing, Inc., a B2B marketing and sales acceleration firm with serious industry clout.

What He’s Tweeting: Follow Matt if you want to keep a pulse on what’s new in the sales industry. You’ll also learn a lot about sales enablement, inside sales effectiveness, and the latest technology that’s pushing the boundaries of success.

17) Jim Keenan, 16.1K Followers, @keenan

Who He Is: Keenan is CEO and president at A Sales Guy, Inc. You’ve probably shared, liked, or read one of his articles on the A Sales Guy’s Blog -- because (rightly so) everyone else is.

What He’s Tweeting: Keenan’s Twitter feed is a convenient way to keep track of his latest posts. You’ll also find a steady stream of actionable sales articles from reputable industry voices. From overcoming prospect objections to questions every sales manager should ask, you’ll find something valuable here every day.

18) Don Cooper, 66.8K Followers, @DonCooper

Who He Is: You might know Don better as The Sales Heretic™. He’s a sales trainer, keynote speaker, and coach for salespeople, business owners, and professionals.

What He’s Tweeting: Want tips on crafting better sales presentations? How about a list of things every buyer wishes for? Don curates this type of content and more. Plus, if there’s an industry conference happening he’s probably there tweeting about it so you can watch his feed for live updates.

19) Greg Alexander, 45.7K Followers, @GregAlexander

Who He Is: Greg is CEO of Sales Benchmark Index, a management consulting firm specializing in sales and marketing.

What He’s Tweeting: From sales training tips to what revenue attribution can do to your brand, follow Greg for an easy way to learn something helpful and new every day.

20) Nancy Nardin, 27K Followers, @sellingtools

Who She Is: Nancy is the founder of Smart Selling Tools, a company that advises on how to build strategies for enviable sales growth. She’s also a Forbes Top 30 Social Selling Thought Leader.

What She’s Tweeting: You’ll find helpful webinars, infographics, and killer articles in Nancy’s feed. She specializes in sharing educational content that’s geared towards increasing sales, handling rejection, and, of course, highlighting the latest tools in sales technology.

21) Mark Roberge, 15K Followers, @markroberge

Who He Is: Mark is a senior lecturer at Harvard Business School and the former chief revenue officer at HubSpot. He’s also author of the best-selling book, The Sales Acceleration Formula.

What He’s Tweeting: Mark shares a healthy mix of customer success and sales articles about a broad range of topics, from jumpstarting stagnant business growth to sales mistakes that can kill your SaaS business.

22) Shane Gibson, 37K Followers, @shanegibson

Who He Is: Shane is a professional sales instructor at Langara College and the author of Closing Bigger: The Field Guide to Closing Bigger Deals.

What He’s Tweeting: Shane is an active guest blogger around the web, so following him on Twitter is a great way to keep track of his latest work. You’ll also find quotes that will keep you motivated and articles all about maintaining a competitive edge.

23) Trish Bertuzzi, 22K Followers, @bridgegroupinc

Who She Is: Trish is president and chief strategist at The Bridge Group, Inc., an inside sales consulting company. She’s also author of The Sales Development Playbook: Build Repeatable Pipeline and Accelerate Growth with Inside Sales.

What She’s Tweeting: Follow Trish for honest, pull-no-punches advice and tactical articles you might not find anywhere else.

24) Mark Hunter, 47K Followers, @TheSalesHunter

Who He Is: Mark is a veteran salesman who has 15-plus years experience with Fortune 500 companies. Today he’s a professional speaker, consultant, and the author of two books, High-Profit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price and High-Profit Prospecting.

What He’s Tweeting: Mark shares smart articles about being a great sales manager, avoiding mediocrity, and achieving long-term success.

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