Node JS: Discover 10+ Courses For Learning To Code With Node JS

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Athena Ozanich
Athena Ozanich



Node.js is a growing and ever-evolving subject, and while it is possible to learn Node.js concepts through books, they aren’t always the best option.

Young woman sits and studies the benefits of taking Node.js courses to improve her programming skills and knowledge.

In this post, you will learn about some of the best courses you can take to improve your understanding of Node.js software application development. This post will cover the top ten Node.js courses and what they focus on, and where you can find them. At the end of this post, you will also see a list of honorable mentions worth exploring.

Let's get started.

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Top Ten Node.js Courses On Udemy

Nodejs API Complete Guide Build a Blog Project API 2023

This course is great, as it offers everything you need to build a powerful blog from scratch using the Node.js Platform; below is a list of the skills you will learn throughout the course.

  • Build full fledge Blog API using NodeJS in 2023
  • Learn how to deploy nodejs app to Rnder - Heroku alternative
  • Implement Authentication & Authorization
  • Implement Post Commenting
  • Learn to implement who view my profile controller
  • Learn to implement User following and Unfollowing feature
  • Learn to implement User Blocking & Unblocking feature
  • Learn to implement Admin Blocking & Unblocking User feature
  • Learn to implement System Blocking User if inactive for 30 days
  • Learn to implement Following & Unfollowing Count
  • Learn to implement Last Date User Created a Post
  • Learn to implement to check if User is active or inactive
  • Learn to implement how to upgrading user account base on number of posts
  • Learn to implement how a user can close his account
  • Learn to implement post liking and disliking
  • Learn to implement days ago a post was created
  • Learn to implement post views count
  • Learn to implement post likes count
  • Learn to implement post likes count in percentages
  • Master Error handling in the easy way
  • Learn file upload to cloudinary
  • Learn to implement Database modeling

Ionic 6+ with NodeJs - Complete Beginner to Pro Course 2022

  • Build Native apps for iOS & Android using Angular and the powerful features that Ionic offers along with Capacitor
  • Learn Nodejs (Typescript) with MongoDB from Basics to Advanced with proper & optimised coding file structure
  • Build Food Delivery App like Swiggy / Zomato / Uber-Eats (includes Customer App & Admin Panel in the Same App) with Ionic Angular & Capacitor, Nodejs (backend)
  • Learn to build Native Apps & Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) using Ionic Capacitor with Nodejs
  • Using Redis for Blacklisting RefreshTokens
  • Send Mails using SendGrid and Gmail
  • Integrate Payment Gateways like Razorpay
  • Learn the Basic Fundamentals of Ionic & Nodejs coupled with Advanced Features
  • Learn to use different Capacitor Plugins (also with Cordova) & Resolve all encountered issues in it
  • Test iOS & Android Apps on Real Devices (including Emulators & Simulators) and Publish those Apps to their respective stores (App Store & Google Play Store)
  • Learn to Deploy Nodejs to Heroku
  • Clean Coding Best Approaches
  • Support Chat App using Web Sockets - Coming Soon

Node JS API Unit Testing -Using Mocha Chai -Complete Project

  • How to use mocha and chai to test API endpoint
  • How to build Rest API Using Node Js and Express Js
  • Node JS API Unit Testing
  • How to test API in postman
  • How to use mongodb database with node js
  • How to generate test report

Develop and Deploy MEAN Stack Project on Azure Cloud

  • You will learn about every component of MEAN stack
  • You will learn everything in practical hands-on approach including debugging skills
  • You will learn to create RESTful API using NodeJS with Express and MongoDB
  • You will build Angular & Bootstrap based application and integrate it with RESTful API's
  • You will learn everything about public cloud services
  • You will create and use most popular Azure cloud services
  • You will learn the industry standard way of building and deploying software using CICD pipelines on Azure DevOps
  • You will learn the end to end cycle of software development to deployment to shipping it for production in a controlled automated process

Complete NodeJS Developer in 2023 (GraphQL, MongoDB, + more)

  • Build enterprise level Node applications and deploy to the cloud (AWS)
  • Learn to build secure and performant, large scale applications like a senior backend developer
  • Lead NodeJS projects by making good architecture decisions and helping others on your team
  • Using NodeJS, build production grade apps including REST APIs and GraphQL APIs
  • Work with real life data and SpaceX API to build a NASA launch system, discover new planets that may contain life + other projects
  • Authentication, File I/O, Databases (SQL, MongoDB), Express Framework, Sockets, plus many other important topics a backend developer should know
  • Build a MERN (MongoDb, Express, React, Node) fullstack app and deploy to production
  • Load balancing, Monitoring, CI/CD, and Zero Downtime Deployment
  • Become the top 10% Node Developer. Learn REALLY advanced topics!
  • Focus on security best practices throughout the course so you can be confident with your deployments
  • Master the latest ecosystem of a Backend NodeJS Developer from scratch

Complete NodeJS course with express, socket io and MongoDB

  • Build the backend with NodeJS for your website and mobile app
  • Use Modern JavaScript es6
  • Implement CRUD operations
  • Implement Authentication with JWT
  • NodeJS Basic and Basic Core Modules
  • Parsing requests and sending responses
  • Using express js
  • Building REST APIs
  • Building a Realtime Node js App with Socket io
  • Deploy Node JS Application

The Complete Nodejs MySQL Login System

  • How to create a simple Website with Nodejs
  • How to connect Nodejs with MySQL
  • How to Create a Login and Register System

Node.js - The Complete RESTful API Masterclass (2022)

  • Build modern, fast and scalable RESTful API with NodeJS
  • Learn all about Advance Error Handling in Express
  • Learn all about advance filter, sorting, pagination and more
  • Handling File Uploads in Node
  • Learn advanced authentication and authorization
  • Learn all about API Security like: Data Sanitization, Limiting Request, NoSQL Injections
  • Learn Advanced Mongoose Queries
  • Learn How to make API Documentation
  • Deployment on Heroku

NodeJS - The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp 2022

  • Learn to create NodeJS applications
  • Integrate Node ExpressJS apps with PostgreSQL and MongoDB
  • Learn ORM and SQL to perform CRUD operations
  • Implement server side pages using Mustache template engine
  • Develop JSON Web API and consume it in a JavaScript application
  • Build 3 real world projects from start to finish

Modern JavaScript The Complete Course - Build +15 Projects

  • Learn the latest JavaScript features such as Async JS, Fetch API, Async Await & more
  • You're going to learn how to consume REST API's with JavaScript
  • How to create JavaScript classes and OOP
  • You're going to learn more advanced topics such as Generators, Iterators, Maps, Sets, Promises & more
  • OOP JavaScript with Object Constructors, Classes & Prototypes
  • Asynchronous JavaScript with Callbacks, Promises & Async Await
  • Add Interaction to your websites

Courses That Deserve Honorable Mentions

These courses above are the best up to date courses on Node.js offered by Udemy and are a great place to start. Building on those courses, you can move on to other courses which will further build the skills you’ve learned and other related technologies. The courses below are some honorable mentions worth checking out if you decide to continue your education on Node.js.

Node.js Full Stack Developer Course

Complete Web Development Course: HTML, Vue.js, PHP, MySQL

Git & GitHub -Essentials for Version Control & Management

NodeJS made easy for MEAN or MERN Stack

NodeJS Tutorial and Projects Course

Node.js, Express & MongoBD in a weekend

Next Steps For Learning Node Through Hands-On Courses

This post is pretty exhaustive, but technology is always changing, so staying up to date with those changes is vital. Furthermore, knowing when to grab these courses is helpful as Udemy is big on occasional flash sales. At the time of writing this post, a sale is on where almost every course listed on this post is on sale for under twenty dollars. As the old adage goes, there’s no time like the present.

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