Stop With the "Just Checking In" Emails: Here's What to Do Instead [SlideShare]

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John Sherer
John Sherer



checking_in_emailThis post originally appeared on the Sales section of Inbound Hub. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales.

According to the data from Referral Squirrel, on average, 80% of sales are made on the fifth to twelfth contact with a prospect.

To me, this can mean one of two things:

  1. Sales reps are sending far too many useless follow-up emails to prospects.
  2. Sales reps are maintaining healthy relationships with prospects before closing.

If the former is true, I'm here to change that. And in either case, all of us in Sales need to do a better job of connecting with our prospects in valuable ways. We can't selfishly send "just checking in" emails at completely arbitrary times, hoping to get attention.

Here's what those selfish "just checking in" emails look like:


To avoid this horrible email -- even when you're strapped for time and desperate to hit quota -- I've found three unique ways to craft a valuable follow-up email. Check them out in the SlideShare below and get a templated example for each.

3 Creative Ways to Avoid the Dreaded "Just Checking In" Email

What are some example follow up emails you send? Feel free to share them below.

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