14 Best B2B Cold Email Templates to Get Your Leads' Attention

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Flori Needle
Flori Needle



Crafting the perfect B2B cold sales email is both an art and a science. They must include a compelling subject line and engaging message all within a skimmable length — but writing cold emails is not always as easy as it sounds. Balancing a friendly tone with getting to the point can be tricky. Crafting a CTA that is inviting and not forceful takes skill.

cold email template

Luckily, you won't have to figure it out on your own. In this piece, I’ll share expert tips on best practices, templates to use, and what not to write in your next cold email to give you the confidence to write attention-grabbing emails that prospects want to read.

Editor's note: This post contains an excerpt from the book The Predictable Revenue Guide to Tripling Your Sales, and is published here with permission.

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1. Research and understand recipients' pain points.

A pain point is something your prospect is consistently struggling with. Pain points can range from unmet needs on the individual level to major problems plaguing an entire company.

The best way to uncover these pain points is through research. I recommend doing this before anything else in your process, as it impacts every element of what you’ll include in your email, from the keywords you use in your subject line to the unique offer you present.

Bruno Gavino, Founder and CEO of CodeDesign, says he always takes the time to research before reaching out. He said, “Before writing a cold email, I conduct thorough research on the potential client's business, industry trends, and even their competitors. This allows me to understand their specific needs, challenges, and opportunities.”

Once he’s uncovered their key pain points, he tailors his emails to speak directly to the recipient's pain points, and how his offer is a direct solution. He adds, “This customization shows the recipient that I have a genuine interest in their success and am not just sending a generic sales pitch.”

And, directly tailoring email content to pain points builds trust and shows that you take recipients seriously.


2. Craft an exciting subject line.

“Having spent a decade in sales, I’ve realized the importance of unique approaches when crafting cold emails. It all begins with prioritizing subject lines that capture attention, address specific problems, and offer value to recipients,” says Virag Shah, Vice President of Sales at NamanHR.

This makes sense to me — your subject line is your gatekeeper. I’d recommend crafting and testing different subject lines to create an exciting but credible (not spammy or sales-y) subject line that intrigues recipients.

Your subject line should also be compelling and informative to pique the recipient's interest in the body of the email — and research the prospect so the subject line is personalized to them.

Pro Tip: Use HubSpot’s AI content writer to generate engaging subject lines for your cold emails.

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    3. Include an enticing and specific offer.

    You want your cold email prospects to have a reason to respond, and I recommend doing this by conveying the ultimate value that comes from your offer by keeping your message focused on why you’re reaching out and what your offer is.

    When you’ve researched your recipient and their specific pain points, you’ll know the key value points to call out in your email to help you stand out the most.

    This is what Bhavik Sarkhedi, CMO of Write Right, does: “We succinctly articulate the unique benefits of our services. For instance, if the prospect's industry suffers from poor content engagement, we highlight how our SEO-optimized content can increase visibility and engagement rates.”

    Another great way to convey value is social proof and past successes with other clients. It proves your offer is realistic and attainable, and including numbers and statistics makes it even more exciting.

    4. Back up all claims with proof.

    One of your biggest barriers to selling is risk. No one wants to be the first customer and work with a company without credibility or experience. Mentioning one of your customers and the results you delivered to them makes you less of a risk.

    Your current clients are the best form of proof that you have. You can attach case studies to show recipients what they can expect from going with your offer. . A compelling example can leave your prospect more inclined to work with you.

    Matt Little, Director and Entrepreneur at Festoon House, has a unique strategy for the social proof he uses: “The second weapon in my arsenal is social proof with a twist. Yes, testimonials are great, but everyone uses them. I go the extra mile and find a relevant industry influencer who's a happy customer.”

    He uses lines like “Did you see [Influencer Name]’s recent article praising [Your Product]? They mentioned how it helped them achieve [Specific Result]” because a name drop of a trusted source builds credibility, shows results, and “Positions your product as the secret weapon of the ‘cool kids.’”

    5. Be clear and concise.

    A subject line can inspire me to click on an email, but my interest will fall off if the content is the length of a short blog post.

    You can avoid someone clicking out of your email by keeping your initial cold outreach short and sweet. The faster a prospect understands what they’ll gain from you, the more likely you are to inspire a conversion or reply.

    Focus on briefly explaining how your offer addresses their pain points and helps them succeed, and end with a CTA (more on that below) that establishes the next steps for those genuinely interested. Also, avoid jargon and any fluff that distracts from the value you want to convey.


    6. Make sure your copy is human and natural.

    You want to make sure your email feels human. When you're too formal, you sound stiff and like a salesperson rather than a person-person. Avoid stuffing your email with marketing cliches and buzzwords. Instead, humanize your approach and write in a way that feels like you.

    Kevin D’Arcy, CEO of ThinkFuel, told me you can show personality in your cold emails with a bit of humor. He said, “Humor is a great way to open the door and pique interest. Even a sprinkle of clever sarcasm can make your email stand out — just keep it light and clear.”

    Yuvraj Pratap, Founder and CEO of Supplement Launchpad, says, “In a sea of standard, formal emails, a dash of humor can be a refreshing change.”

    If you use humor, Pratap says that the catch is to be subtle and appropriate. In short, you risk turning a lead away if you’re cracking jokes and being too informal. He said, “Humor should be subtle and appropriate. It's not about cracking jokes but more about lightening the tone and humanizing your approach…humor should enhance your message, not distract from it. Always ensure that the main purpose of your email remains clear and compelling.

    7. Personalize, personalize, personalize.

    Personalization is the name of the game. Nearly a quarter of sales professionals told us that the biggest change in the sales field is that personalization is much more important.

    This makes sense to me, especially with cold emails — the more aligned and relevant your content is to recipients' interests, the more likely you are to build interest and inspire follow-up.

    Personalizing your emails shouldn’t be too challenging if you've already researched your targets. You don’t need to know everything about who you’re emailing, but, at minimum, you should be able to address them by name and call out their unique pain points.

    If it makes sense with the context of your email, you can include unique details that relate directly to the recipient, recent press or media coverage, or even a shared interest.

    Whatever you choose to say, personalizing your outreach shows that you’re invested in their specific needs and not simply pasting their name into a canned template you’ll send to 25 other leads.

    8. Give a clear CTA.

    Picture this: your engaging subject line inspired a click. Your opener and value proposition inspire thoughts of “Hey, maybe this is a worthwhile offer!”

    The reader reaches the end of your email and is ready to learn next steps, but you sign off and say bye. Your prospect is left confused because you piqued their interest.

    That sounds like the opposite of what you want. Reduce the chances of this happening to you by including clear and actionable CTAs in your emails so recipients know the exact next step you want them to take.

    For example, if you want them to book a meeting, schedule a call, or even just reply to the email — let them know that that’s what you want.

    9. Include a P.S. after your sign-off.

    This is a unique tip, but Patrick Beltran, Marketing Director at Ardoz Digital, says that using a P.S. is one of his most effective cold email strategies.

    To do it yourself, he says to include a P.S. after your email signature. In it, you can summarize the key message of your email content, point out key features, give more details about your CTA, or even inspire urgency with a limited-time promotion.

    He says, “In my experience, this is a powerful way to capture the reader's attention and reinforce the main point of the email…Incorporating a P.S. in a cold email allows us to highlight the most crucial elements of our message, boosting the chances that the recipient will respond as we hope.”

    If you use Beltran’s tip, he says to ensure your P.S. is concise and direct. Introducing new information at the actual bottom of your email can distract from your message.

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      Cold Sales Email Templates for B2B

      Here are cold email templates that you can use to create emails your prospects will want to open.

      1. Best B2B Cold Email Template


      Hello [Prospect Name],

      I have an idea that I can explain in 10 minutes that can get [company] its next 100 best customers.

      I recently used this idea to help our client [SaaS company/competitor] almost triple their monthly run rate.

      [First name], let's schedule a quick 10-minute call so I can share the idea with you. When works best for you?

      - [Your Name]


      The results of this email template speak for themselves:

      • 57% open rate
      • 21% response rate
      • 16 new customers.

      When to Use This Cold Email Template: Use this template when you want to quickly share your value proposition and let prospects know what’s in it for them.

      Why This Cold Email Template Works:

      Why does this sales email template work well when others don't? It feels human.

      The offer is intriguing without being pushy. The copy has the basic format and tone of an email you could send to your mom or best friend. The salesperson’s "idea" makes the email less aggressive and aligns with where the recipient is at the beginning of their buyer's journey.

      You’re also backing up your claims with evidence from other clients.

      2. B2B Email Template for Finding the Decision-Maker in the Company


      Hi [First Name],

      Quick question: Who handles your team's marketing budget at [Prospect's Company]? They'll want to look into this marketing tool before the end of the quarter — it could help the team hit those lead KPIs in just a few weeks and save your business (and your customers) a lot of money doing it.

      I know you're busy, so I won't get into the details of how [product]works right now. But I do want to highlight the benefits we see consistently with our clients:

      • X solution/result
      • Y solution/result
      • Z solution/result

      Some of our top clients include [X client, Y client, and Z client].

      I want [Prospect's Company] to join this list.

      If you are the appropriate person to speak with, what does your calendar look like this week? If not, who would benefit most from this conversation?


      [Your Name]


      When to Use This Cold Email Template:

      Use this cold email template when you can’t find a clear point of contact for your request.

      Why This Cold Email Template Works:

      This email template works because it clearly states the purpose of your outreach and includes information about previous clients to demonstrate your credibility.

      Most importantly, you’re requesting contact information for the person best suited to handle your request, and you’re giving just enough information for the recipient to figure out exactly who to put you in contact with, if not them.

      Example of B2B email for finding the right person to talk to

      3. B2B Email Template to Build Rapport


      Hi [First Name],

      Just left a quick message at the office for you. I chuckled a little bit when I got an automated email this morning from your predecessor, [NAME OF PREDECESSOR] who we worked with briefly, and before him, [OTHER FORMER COWORKER NAME], who we worked with as well ...

      First and foremost, congrats on coming into this new role! I'm sure you've got a lot going on - so this conversation might be timely or not. If you're stressed, this is my go-to.

      My role here is working with businesses (in the area) on how they can effectively and efficiently drive more traffic to their website, increase conversions, and nurture leads into customers.

      How has your first month kicked off so far?

      - [Your Name]


      When to Use This Cold Email Template:

      Use this template to establish rapport with a new point of contact at a company you’ve already done business with.

      Why This Cold Email Template Works:

      Caroline Ostrander, a HubSpot Senior Customer Onboarding Manager, used this template after researching the prospect and finding a rapport-building opportunity. Not only was she able to relate to the prospect regarding the new job, but she also mentioned their co-worker's names and referenced her other attempts to help their company.

      50 Free Sales Email Templates

      Save time, find new ways to reach out to prospects, and send emails that actually convert.

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        4. B2B Email Template to Establish Value


        Hi [First Name],

        I saw you recently downloaded a whitepaper about X. I've worked with similar companies in [Y field/industry] and I thought I'd reach out.

        [Prospect's Company] looks like a great fit for [Your Company] and I'd love to understand what your goals are for this year.

        We often help companies like yours grow with:

        • X solution/result
        • Y solution/result
        • Z solution/result

        If you'd like to learn how [Your Company] can help you reach [X goals], feel free to book time on my calendar here: [Meeting Link]


        [Your Name]


        When to Use This Cold Email Template:

        Use this cold template to nail down the value you’ll provide the recipient.

        Why This Cold Email Template Works:

        What do you have to offer the prospect?

        I like that this template lets you show exactly what you offer by briefly explaining benefits. This B2B email template also helps you engage and suggest a time to connect in an inviting way.

        5. B2B Email Template for Free Offers


        Hello Dr. [Last Name],

        I'm following up on my previous email with a free tool I think you'll love.

        It's a brand analysis survey I created just for you (literally, your name is on it), that will help you understand how your practice is different from other doctors in [insert city they're in].

        Click here to begin the brand differentiation analysis survey. When we speak, I'll benchmark your responses against the top physician brands around the country.

        I'm sharing my calendar (click here) so we can schedule a convenient time to discuss.

        Enjoy your weekend,

        [Your Name]


        When to Use This Cold Email Template:

        Use this template to nurture leads with a relevant and valuable offer to pique their interest.

        Why This Cold Email Template Works:

        This email tests the tried and true reciprocity principle — you’re giving your prospect something helpful and useful to them with the goal of having the favor returned.

        The convenient CTA at the end of the email makes it easy for the prospect to take action as soon as they can access the free tool.

        Example of b2b email for free offers

        6. B2B Email Template to Introduce Yourself


        Hi [First Name],

        I'd like to introduce myself as your resource here at [Your Company Name]. I work with businesses in the [software, healthcare, nonprofit, education, etc.] industry, and noticed you visited our website in the past.

        This inspired me to spend a few minutes on [Prospect's Company] website to learn more about how you're approaching [X strategy for customer service, sales, marketing, etc.]. I noticed some areas of opportunity and decided to reach out to you directly.

        [Your Company] is working with similar companies in your industry, such as [X Company Name], to help them accomplish [Y goals], and giving them the [Z tools/solutions] to succeed.

        Do you have 15 minutes to discuss [Prospect's Company] this week?

        If so, you can book time directly onto my calendar here: [Meetings Link]

        Looking forward to meeting,

        [Your Name]


        When to Use This Cold Email Template:

        Use this email template when you’re looking to book an initial introductory meeting with a lead.

        Why This Cold Email Template Works:

        This template works because it helps you stand out with the strategic yet subtle name-drop that lends social proof to you and the company you represent.

        7. B2B Email Template That Gets an 80% Response Rate in 24 Hours


        Hi [First Name],

        Sorry I missed you on the phone today, I was calling because…. (leave a one sentence reason for your call, or the name of the referral / event that introduced you)

        In my voice mail, I mentioned that I will call you back on [DATE] at [TIME] and of course you can always reach me before then at [YOUR PHONE NUMBER].

        I look forward to connecting.


        [Your Name]


        When to Use This Cold Email Template:

        Use this cold email to supplement a voicemail you’ve already left.

        Why This Cold Email Template Works:

        An email and phone call combo can yield big results in moving a prospect through your pipeline.

        This email template works because it’s a brief and friendly follow-up to let the prospect know you're actively attempting to get in touch with them and that your emails aren't just coming from an automated system with no consideration for the person on the receiving end.

        Also, not everyone listens to their voicemails, so you’re giving non-listeners the same information over email.

        8. B2B Email Template to See if the Prospect is Still Interested


        [First Name],

        Hope all is well. I had put a reminder in to check-in with you to see how things were going with the [NAME OF CAMPAIGN] initiatives. We had discussed a potential partnership a few months ago, but hadn't been able to formalize our recommended engagement.

        We would love to catch up and see if there are any opportunities to engage with you and help with your [DEPARTMENT (eCommerce, marketing, etc.) ] strategy. Let me know if you have some time to reconnect this week and catch up business owner to business owner on where you see things and I can provide some ideas on where we can help.

        Look forward to hearing from you.

        [Your name]


        When to Use This Cold Email Template:

        When you’re trying to gauge if a prospect is still interested in an offer.

        Why This Cold Email Template Works:

        As a salesperson, you want your clients to know that your attention is focused on them and their needs, and this template works because it lets you do that with personalization. You’re telling the recipient that you’re thinking about them, you remember their needs, and giving them a renewed opportunity to move forward.

        Example of B2B email to see if prospect is still interested

        9. B2B Email Template That Understands the Prospect is Busy


        Hi [First Name],

        I'm sorry we haven't been able to connect. Again, I know how hectic things can get at work and with family.

        I would be available for a call during [YOUR AVAILABILITY OPTION 1] or [YOUR AVAILABILITY OPTION 2] if that's easier for you. I don't mean to bug you, but I do want to help you manage your team so you can exceed your goals of [GOAL].

        To schedule a time on my calendar, just click here: [CALENDAR LINK]


        [Your Name]


        When to Use This Cold Email Template:

        to follow up with a prospect that you know has a busy schedule.

        Why This Cold Email Template Works:

        This follow-up email works because it reassures the prospect that you're not trying to be pushy. Instead, it shows that you're willing to meet them where they're at, even if it means scheduling a call outside your availability.

        50 Free Sales Email Templates

        Save time, find new ways to reach out to prospects, and send emails that actually convert.

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          10. B2B Email Template That Opens Up the Conversation


          Hi [First Name],

          Because I work so much within the [Industry Name] industry, I constantly follow industry news. Recently I noticed that you've [company accomplishment]. Congratulations!

          Usually when that happens, [business issue] becomes a priority. That's why I thought you might be interested in finding out how we helped [well-known company or competitor] get going quickly in their new direction — without any of the typical cookie cutter approaches to marketing.

          Check out our previous campaigns here — [LINK TO RELEVANT CASE STUDY].

          If you'd like to learn more, let's set up a quick call. Schedule 15 minutes here on my calendar: [CALENDAR LINK].


          [Your Name]

          P.S. If you're not the right person to speak with, who do you recommend I talk to?


          When to Use This Cold Email Template:

          When you want to initiate a conversation and flex your skills.

          Why This Cold Email Template Works:

          What makes this email effective is that it shows that you have a pulse on what's happening in your industry and are genuinely interested in your prospect's success. You also establish credibility with your prospect by showcasing your knowledge — and how it has helped other clients with the same problem.

          11. B2B Email Template to Land a Meeting with Anyone


          Hi [Name],

          I am writing in hopes of finding the appropriate person who handles [Department (i.e. media)]? I also wrote to [Person X, Person Y, AND Person Z] in that pursuit. If it makes sense to talk, let me know how your calendar looks.

          If you are the appropriate person to speak with, what does your calendar look like? If not, who do you recommend I talk to?


          [Your Name]


          When to Use This Cold Email Template:

          Use this template to land a meeting with an ideal prospect.

          Why This Cold Email Template Works:

          Keeping it short and sweet, this email template immediately states the purpose and details what you want the prospect to do. It also allows them to pass the information along to the correct person.

          Example of B2B email to land a meeting with anyone

          12. B2B Email Template for When You Keep Getting Ignored


          Hi [First Name],

          I've tried to reach you a few times to go over suggestions on improving [Business Needs], but haven't heard back which tells me one of three things:

          • You're all set with [Business Need] and I should stop bothering you.
          • You're still interested but haven't had the time to get back to me yet.
          • You've fallen and can't get up, and in that case, let me know and I'll call someone to help you.

          Please let me know which one as I'm starting to worry!

          [Your Name]


          When to Use This Cold Email Template:

          To re-start contact with an unresponsive prospect.

          Why This Cold Email Template Works:

          Let’s face it: being left on read comes with the territory of sales. This email template helps you navigate being ignored by a prospect by reminding them of your intentions with a humorous, low-stakes sign-off.

          13. B2B Email Template That Appeals to Pain Points


          Hi [First Name],

          Many of our enterprise customers like [Competitor] have huge sites and multiple domains, making it tough for them to manage their [Business Need] effectively.

          After they started working with [Your Company], [Competitor] was able to use [Your Product] to improve [pain point].

          The [X results] they achieved through their work with [Your Company] also drove over Y% growth in [clicks, followers, sales, etc.].

          Want to dig in further to see how our [Your Product] can benefit your organization? I'd love to chat over a 15 minute call to share more.

          You can simply reply to this email and I'll set up a time for us to chat!

          Chat soon,

          [Your Name]


          When to Use This Cold Email Template:

          When you want to let a prospect know you understand their needs.

          Why This Cold Email Template Works:

          This email is appealing because it provides an example of how the product helped solve a problem for another customer, establishing credibility with the prospect. Then, it gives them the opportunity to reply and learn more about how the product could benefit them.

          14. B2B Email Template for Connecting With People Who Downloaded From Your Website


          Hi [First Name],

          This is [Your Name] from [Company]. I noticed that you [downloaded/watched/listened to] our [piece of content], [link].

          I just wanted to make sure you got the [piece of content] and to see if you had any questions. There is a lot of information in there, and I thought I might be able to help you find the answers you are looking for.

          Let me know if you would like to schedule some time to chat.


          [Your Name]


          When to Use This Cold Email Template:

          To engage with a prospect you know is interested and engaged with your website content.

          Why This Cold Email Template Works:

          This template works because it builds on the interest the recipient has already expressed in their engagement with your website. It offers a segue into establishing rapport and helps you flex your expertise in offering to help them get the most out of your content.

          Example of B2B email to connect with someone who downloaded content from your website

          If you have a targeted lead list and your response rate is less than 10% with personalized emails, your emails could use some work. Let's say a B2B company comes to you for help with their emails. They offer an incredible service for the SaaS space but aren't very successful with their sales emails. Their response rates are below 2%.

          After about a month of working together, you create a single sales email template that gets them more than 16 new customers. Let's dig into what was wrong with their previous approach by touching on some of the reasons why emails fail.

          50 Free Sales Email Templates

          Save time, find new ways to reach out to prospects, and send emails that actually convert.

          • First-Touch Emails
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            1. Cram several ideas, talking points, and CTAs into the email.

            You might have an amazing product, but if you highlight too many value props in your emails, you'll confuse readers. After all, a common sales adage goes, "A confused mind says no."

            With this in mind, stick to one idea in your email. All of the copy you write should support that one idea, whether you're piquing their interest, adding value, making a persuasive claim, or providing proof to support your claims.

            Avoid adding these common missteps in your sales emails:

            • Multiple themes in the email
            • Claims irrelevant to your main point
            • More than one call to action

            2. Make it lengthy.

            Generally speaking, your buyers don't want to read a mini-ebook in an email if they don't already know who you are. You first have to provide value and establish trust before you can earn their attention.

            With that in mind, structure your cold sales email in a way that clearly and concisely communicates the following:

            • The value you add
            • The offer you're making
            • The proof that supports it
            • The action you want the prospect to take

            If your emails are running too long, here's what to watch out for:

            • Muddying details and irrelevant information
            • Boasting or making claims that aren't grounded in fact
            • Asking the prospect to do too many things ("A confused mind says no.")

            A caveat:

            There's not a hard word or character count that makes for a successful sales email. Email copy should be as long as it needs to be to achieve your desired outcome. With this in mind, sales email length can vary according to what your buyers' preferences are, what their intent is, and how much engagement you can get out of your copy.

            Long-form sales emails do have their place. For example, Close.com states that they use a long-form sales email because their subscriber engagement rate is high enough to warrant one.

            However, in many "cold" emailing situations, you may not have that high level of engagement to justify it.

            3. Talk about and celebrate yourself or the business instead of the customer.

            Just like in real life, too much "me, me, me" can be grating. Don't let your email talk way too much about why you're awesome, especially if you're reaching out cold. Instead of talking about yourself, focus on helping the prospect overcome a problem they have.

            Double-check to make sure your email doesn't:

            4. Make it fancy.

            Overly fancy email templates can make your emails seem impersonal and spammy — even with customization. No one thinks they're getting a personal email if it's too pretty.

            Keep an eye out for:

            • More time being spent on visual collateral rather than copy
            • Generic language that reads as though it could apply to anyone
            • A lack of segmentation in the email list

            5. Add too much fluff, jargon, and filler phrases.

            I know that sending a sales outreach email can be nerve-wracking. It’s easy to get caught up in concern for what the person on the other end thinks of you.

            If it’s any consolation, I don’t remember the name of any salesperson that has sent me a cold email or any salesperson who sent repeated emails.

            If a prospect doesn't know you, then they know they're probably being sold to. Soft language just beats around the bush and undercuts your message, which defeats the purpose of a cold email.

            Watch out for these email phrases to avoid:

            • "You don't know me, but..."
            • "Whenever you have a second..."
            • "I know your time is valuable, but..."
            • "Would it make sense for us to chat?"
            • "Sorry to bother you..."

            Instead, use phrases that clearly convey value, get to the point, and call the prospect directly to action.

            If they're not interested, they wouldn't do it anyway. Softer language won't change that fact.

            6. Write like a robot.

            It's a mistake not to include a human element in your emails. Cold, rigid emails that do nothing but harp on generic marketing points are a surefire way to turn prospects off.

            Scan your email before you send it to catchphrases like:

            • "To whom it may concern"
            • "Thanks in advance"
            • "I guarantee that this product will..."

            Instead, rely on what you know about your buyer persona and create personalized messaging that asks them questions and speaks directly to their pains.

            7. Use too many emojis and other special characters.

            Avoid typing like this!!! It can be seen as spammy and unprofessional!!!

            A well-placed emoji or exclamation mark can add a little flavor to copy, but the caveat there is "well-placed."

            Avoid too many special characters such as:

            • Exclamation points
            • Semicolons
            • Parenthesis
            • Dashes

            Instead, I recommend being as straightforward as you can. Be sparse with your emojis, bolding, and italics, too.

            8. Make several spelling and grammar mistakes.

            Speaking of spammy, sending messages with too many grammer or spelling mistake are a good way to look sloppy (haha). At worst, it erodes trust and your authority and professionalism into question.

            To maintain credibility with prospects, I recommend:

            • Reading your email aloud before sending
            • Running it through a spell checker
            • Asking a colleague to proofread

            Below, you'll find a template library you can use to turn your email game around (plus a number of additional templates for inspiration).

            50 Free Sales Email Templates

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              More Cold Email Templates

              Cold emails are common in sales, but they’re also not just for sales.

              Other opportunities call for cold emails, and below, I’ll share more cold email templates for different use cases.

              1. Cold Email Template for Guest Post Outreach


              Hi [Recipient's Name],

              I'm [Your Name], and I admire the content on [Recipient's Website]. I specialize in [Your Niche] and have successfully contributed to platforms like [Link to Previous Work 1] and [Link to Previous Work 2].

              I'd love to offer a guest post on [Topic Idea 1], [Topic Idea 2], or explore topics aligned with your audience. Let me know if you're interested, and I can provide more details and samples.

              Looking forward to a potential collaboration!

              Best regards,

              [Your Name]

              [Your Contact Information]


              When to Use This Cold Email Template:

              To land guest blogging opportunities.

              Why This Cold Email Template Works:

              I like this email template because it's a concise introduction to you and your skillset, and it establishes credibility and expertise by linking to previous work. You’re also offering topic ideas as a proactive CTA to drive engagement.

              2. Cold Email Template to get Press Coverage


              Hi [Recipient's Name],

              I'm [Your Name] from [Your Company]. We’re a [product category] company that helps [customer base] with [purpose of your product].

              I [read, consume, related word] your content on [outlet or publication name], and I’m reaching out to see if you’d be interested in a story about [product or offer you’re seeking press for]. I think it’s a great fit for your audience because [explain how your offer or product fits].

              [We are or I am] available for interviews and to provide additional insights, and you can check out our website here [hyperlink] and watch product videos here [hyperlink].

              Let me know if this is of interest to you. Thanks so much for your time and consideration!

              Best regards,

              [Your Name]

              [Your Contact Information]


              When to Use This Cold Email Template:

              To pitch your offers’ compelling story to media outlets, publications, or even journalists for press coverage.

              Why This Cold Email Template Works:

              This template works because it leaves little guesswork for the recipient about why it would make sense to give you coverage. It outlines exactly what you want covered, how it relates to the recipient and demonstrates your readiness for media interviews.

              It’s also professional and formal, as a more conversational tone is not a good strategy for press requests.

              3. Cold Email Template for Public Relations


              Hey [Recipient's Name],

              My name is [Your Name], and I work [at/for] [brand or company]. I've been following you on [channel] and really love your [type of content] about [topic].

              At [brand or company], we [your offer and unique value proposition]. I'd love to send you our [relevant product or service] so you can try it and share some feedback with your audience. I think you'll appreciate how it [how your offer will meet their needs].

              Let me know if you're interested. Thanks!

              Best regards,

              [Your Name]

              [Your Position and Company]


              When to Use This Cold Email Template:

              Use this cold email template when you want to offer your product or service in exchange for a review and brand visibility.

              Why This Cold Email Template Works:

              This template works because it establishes a personal connection and highlights a value proposition that could generate excitement for this exclusive opportunity.

              4. Cold Email Template for Collaboration Proposal


              Hi [Recipient's Name],

              I’m [your name] from [company or brand], and I’ve been a fan of you for a while. I really enjoy [specifics of what you like].

              I think there’s great potential for us to collaborate. Combining our [strengths you share] and expertise in [relevant topic area], we can complement each other's strengths and do something truly impactful for both our audiences. Here’s a few of my ideas:

              • [Brief Idea]
              • [Brief Idea]

              I’d love to schedule a [next step] and dive deeper into how we’d work together. Let me know if you want to join forces.

              Best regards,

              [Your Name]

              [Your Contact Information]


              When to Use This Cold Email Template:

              Use this cold email template to reach out to collaborators for mutually beneficial opportunities.

              Why This Cold Email Template Works:

              This template works because it uses a friendly and approachable tone and highlights the relevance of a collaboration between you and the recipient. It also presents a clear CTA to initiate further discussion of the brief ideas you’ve shared.

              5. Cold Email Template for Job Recruitment


              Hi [Recipient's Name],

              I hope you’re well! My name is [You’re Name] and I’m a recruiter [at/for] [company or brand name]. I’m reaching out because I’m hiring for [position], who will play a key role in [position goal].

              I came across your [] on [channel], and your experience with [recipients past experience] and I wanted to see if you might be interested in learning more about the role.

              If you’re interested, here’s a link to my calendar where you can schedule a [next step]. This would be a no-strings attached exploratory call to learn more about the role and your interest.

              Best regards,

              [Your Name]

              [Company and Position]


              When to Use This Cold Email Template:

              Use this cold email template when you’ve identified a qualified candidate for a role you’re recruiting for.

              Why This Cold Email Template Works:

              This email template works because it gets rid of any long-winded explanations of company details and role expectations for something more relevant: a direct explanation of how the potential candidate relates to the role.

              It also offers a casual form of follow-up, letting the recipient know that they won’t be jumping into a job interview if they schedule a meeting.

              Send B2B Sales Emails That Prospects Will Read

              Crafting the perfect cold sales email can be tricky, but these tips and templates are a great place to start. Above all else, remember to keep it simple and helpful. By understanding exactly what not to include in your sales email, you'll be able to cut through the noise in your prospect's inbox and truly stand out as a solutions-oriented partner to their business.

              Editor's note: This post was originally published on March 7, 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.



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