Examples of AI in Customer Service (From Companies That Do It Right)

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Sharath Byloli
Sharath Byloli



AI is transforming customer service by bringing together the best of tech efficiency and human-like warmth. AI tools aren't just about automation — they understand context, feelings, and even humor.

customer service and AI represented by a smiley face

By 2030, the AI sector is projected to reach a staggering 2 trillion dollars. While many companies are still experimenting with AI to serve their customers, some have already seen positive results.

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In this article, we'll dive into some examples of AI in customer service and learn how these companies use AI to improve customer experience.

Table of Contents

How Companies Use AI In Customer Service

Improve Agent Efficiency

AI simplifies workflows, allowing your team to focus on high-value tasks by introducing streamlined tools and automation.

Imagine your chatbots handling direct inquiries and automated processes, eliminating time-consuming, repetitive tasks.

The result? A considerable reduction in your team's workload and a more effective approach to complex customer issues.

In fact, 78% of customer service professionals say AI and automation tools help them spend time on more important aspects of their role.

AI also enables the analysis of customer interactions, providing a deeper understanding of customer sentiment and intent. This data seamlessly integrates into the conversation when a human agent takes over.

Equipped with this information, your agents gain valuable insights into the best approach for each interaction.

For instance, a scenario where a customer asks, "Where is my order? It was supposed to reach me yesterday." The AI can sense from the tone that the sentiment is negative and the customer is displeased.

Consequently, it automatically assigns the ticket to the right agent capable of handling the situation. This ensures a smoother resolution process and helps your business avoid further escalations.

Provide 24/7 Customer Service

In today's digital world, customers expect support at their convenience, day or night. You can meet this expectation by integrating AI-powered chatbots into your customer service strategy and providing uninterrupted, 24/7 support.

With AI, your customers can access real-time assistance, regardless of whether your human support agents are available.

Traditionally, customers are required to leave a voicemail or send an email and wait for a response, which could take several hours, if not days. With AI-powered answer bots, you can assist your customers, no matter the time of day.

These bots can understand the query and pull from a vast knowledge base to provide an immediate response. If the bot cannot resolve the issue, it forwards the request to a human agent and gives the customer an estimated wait time.

Deliver Personalized Support

In today's customer-centric market, personalization isn't just a preference — it's an expectation. To meet this growing demand, businesses are harnessing the power of AI to provide tailored support based on collected data.

Interestingly, 59% of customers expect businesses to use their collected data for personalization.

Personalization can happen at various levels of customer service. For instance, AI can assist customers based on their past behaviors or inquiries.

It can also keep customers updated about new products or services that align with their purchase history.

Offer Multilingual Support

When you are serving a global audience, your customers can hail from any corner of the world. Catering to such a diverse customer base can be challenging, especially regarding language barriers.

With the advent of conversational AI technology, your business can now provide seamless multilingual support.


With robust natural language understanding (NLU) capabilities. These advanced technologies can detect a customer's native language and automatically translate the conversation in real time.

Imagine having a customer from Japan and another from Spain. Both reach out to your customer support team at the same time. Instead of trying to find human translators or multilingual agents, your AI-powered system steps in.

It instantly recognizes the language used by your customers and provides immediate translation. This ensures your customers receive efficient support, regardless of their language.

Deliver Realistic Conversations

In the world of customer service, the authenticity of conversation can make a lot of difference. Integrating generative AI into automated chat interactions enhances the natural feel of your chatbot's responses.

This eliminates the need for predefined dialogue flows, giving your customers a more lifelike, engaging interaction.

With the help of tools like HubSpot's ChatSpot, which harnesses the power of Generative AI, the possibilities extend beyond mere conversation.

ChatSpot, integrated seamlessly with the HubSpot CRM, acts as a virtual assistant, reducing the steps needed to accomplish various tasks.

The best part? You can get your tasks done, like drafting emails, adding contacts to the CRM, or creating reports, by just entering a chat-based command.

chatspot by hubspot

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6 Role Model Companies Using AI in Customer Service

Now that you have seen how companies leverage AI to boost their customer experiences, let's look at some real-life examples of companies executing this.

1. Krafton

Krafton, the South Korean video game developer renowned for PUBG: Battleground, realized they needed a customer service solution to serve customers from multiple locations and brands.

Facing challenges in supporting multiple languages and inconsistent ticket volumes, they turned to Zendesk, an integrated customer service platform.

Zendesk offered Krafton a suite of AI features for effective ticket management. Prepared responses enabled agents to resolve issues swiftly.

A crucial feature was Dynamic Content, which translated website text based on location and other attributes, effectively supporting their multilingual customer base.

AI in customer service: Krafton uses AI features for effective ticket managementImage source

The result? A noticeable improvement in operational efficiency, data visibility, and customer satisfaction. Plus, Krafton reduced its support costs by an impressive 15%.

What we like: Krafton's utilization of AI tools to handle customer support across different languages and brands stands out in this example.

The employment of Dynamic Content to automatically translate website text based on user location is particularly innovative. It personalized the customer experience, making support more relatable and easier to access.

Another tool that can be a game-changer when it comes to content creation is HubSpot's AI content assistant.

HubSpot's AI content assistant, powered by OpenAI's GPT model, is an invaluable tool for any team focused on creating and sharing content quickly. Whether it's for blogs, landing pages, or anything else you need to write, this AI tool can help.

AI in customer service: HubSpot's AI content assistant toolGet started with HubSpot's AI tools for free.

Moreover, the AI content assistant integrates seamlessly with all HubSpot features, enabling you to generate and share high-quality content without the need to switch between different tools.

2. Netflix

The streaming giant uses AI and machine learning to personalize its vast library of movies and TV shows.

By learning the unique preferences of each viewer, Netflix can recommend content that aligns with the user's taste. This helps them create a tailor-made entertainment journey for each member.

But the use of AI extends beyond content recommendation. Netflix uses AI to streamline the production of its original content, ensuring they create movies and TV shows that resonate with its viewers.

Additionally, AI guides its advertising strategies, determining the optimal spending, channel mix, and creative direction to reach potential members.

What we like: What truly sets Netflix apart is its commitment to personalization. Their machine learning algorithms allow them to not only recommend content that viewers are likely to enjoy but also to create original content that reflects their audience's preferences.

This personalized content creation and delivery approach keeps Netflix at the forefront of the streaming industry.

3. American Eagle

Retail giant American Eagle is at the forefront of innovative customer service. Leveraging AI, American Eagle is transforming its in-store dressing rooms.

They have employed computer vision and machine learning to analyze a customer's body measurements, skin tone, and clothing preferences. This empowers the system to suggest sizes and styles likely to fit well.

The ultimate goal? To provide personalized recommendations tailored to each shopper's unique needs.

What we like: By integrating AI into the fitting process, the brand has created a shopping experience that's efficient and highly personalized. This blend of technology and human touch is a role model for customer service in the retail sector.

4. Decathlon

Decathlon, a renowned sporting goods retailer, was overwhelmed with a 4.5X surge in customer inquiries during the spring of 2020.

To manage this unprecedented volume without compromising on their high customer service standards, Decathlon turned to Heyday, a conversational AI platform.

With the help of Heyday, Decathlon created a digital assistant capable of understanding over 1000 unique customer intentions and responding to sporting-goods-related questions with automated answers.

As soon as Decathlon launched its digital assistant, support costs dropped as the tool automated 65% of customer inquiries.

examples of ai in customer service, decathlon digital assistant

Image source

What we like: What's remarkable about Decathlon's digital assistant is its ability to automate a substantial volume of inquiries while maintaining high customer satisfaction.

The fact that the digital assistant could understand and respond to over 1000 unique customer intentions is a testament to the power of AI.

5. Myntra

Myntra, a leading e-commerce platform owned by Walmart, has recently revolutionized the online shopping experience by introducing MyFashionGPT, a feature powered by ChatGPT.

MyFashionGPT enhances product discovery by allowing customers to make natural language-based queries, providing them with a variety of options across related categories, and enabling the completion of desired looks effortlessly​.

For instance, customers can explore and find inspiration for wedding ensembles, discover outfits suitable for vacations, and shop for looks inspired by celebrities and global trends.

AI in customer service: MyFashionGPT

Image source

What we like: What stands out with MyFashionGPT is its ability to interpret and respond to sophisticated fashion queries. This personalization level and its knack for suggesting various products based on global trends turn MyFashionGPT into a real game-changer.

6. HomeServe

HomeServe USA, a prominent provider of home service plans, uses an AI-powered virtual assistant, Charlie, for their customer service.

Built using a conversational AI platform from Google, Charlie seamlessly handles over 11,000 calls each day.

Charlie provides swift answers to customer queries, initiates the claims process, and schedules repair appointments.

Moreover, it efficiently routes calls to the right departments based on the customer's needs and even offers real-time guidance to human agents during customer interactions.

What we like: The standout feature of HomeServe USA is its strategy to merge AI and human interaction to provide better customer service. Even though Charlie is a powerful tool, handling many customer calls and automating processes, she doesn't replace the human touch.

Redefining Customer Service With AI

From providing round-the-clock assistance to predicting customer behavior and preferences, AI is increasingly becoming an integral part of delivering a seamless and personalized customer experience.

The companies we've highlighted in this blog are leading the way in adopting these transformative technologies, enhancing their customer service strategies, and delivering exceptional value to their customers.

As AI technology advances, we can expect to see even more innovative and effective uses in customer service.

The future is promising, and it's clear that AI will play a pivotal role in shaping how businesses interact with and serve their customers.


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