The Podcaster's Guide to Embedding Your Show on Your Website [+Step-by-Step Tutorial]

Written by: Darrielle Evans
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women embedding podcast on website



When I started my “Career Your Style” podcast, I knew I wanted to host my episodes on multiple platforms. However, I also wanted my users to be able to find my episodes in a central hub regardless of their platform of choice.

Starting out, I used a service called Buzzsprout, which set me up with a super basic website. But now? “Career Your Style” is growing! I‘m adding products, blog posts, and the whole shebang. And with a fresh new brand in progress, my early website just doesn’t cut it anymore.

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Now that I am DIY-ing it on my new, customized website, I’ll have to embed podcast episodes myself. If you are looking to do the same, read along as I break down exactly how I can embed my podcast from various platforms on my new website.

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    How to Embed a Podcast on Your Website

    On my website, I have a page just for my podcast episodes. My latest episode is one of the first features to catch my listener’s attention. I purposely put this episode at the top of my page so listeners can easily access my latest show.

    What’s even better? They can listen to it on my website, too. Let me show you exactly how I embed individual episodes on my page.

    Embedding an Individual Podcast Episode

    Buzzsprout is my hosting provider. They are responsible for saving and distributing my episodes to podcast platforms such as Apple, Spotify, and IHeartRadio. They also provide the HTML I need to embed my podcast on my website.

    First, I clicked on the Episodes tab, where I can find all of my uploaded audio.

    embed podcast on website, my list of podcast episodes from buzzsprout

    Next, I click on the episode I want to embed on my website and go to its details page.

    embed podcast on website, podcast episode details

    Buzzsprout gives you several options to share your audio, but the one I need is Embed this ONE Episode.

    embed podcast on website, embed code for my podcast episode

    I click Copy Embed Code which copies the HTML I need, and then I head back to Visual Studios, which is my code editor.

    embed podcast on website, html of podcast embed

    I paste the code provided in a div on my podcast.html page, and this is what it looks like on my webpage. Great, right?

    embed podcast on website, screenshot of my embedded podcast episode

    Embed Multiple Podcast Episodes in One Player

    I prefer to list one episode in my player at the top of my website page, and then list individual links throughout the page for previous shows. However, you do have the option to list multiple episodes in one player. Let me show you how.

    First, on the Buzzsprout website, click on the Players tab.

    embed podcast on website, audio player tab option

    Scroll down to the section that mentions multiple episodes in one player.

    embed podcast on website, multiple episodes in one player option

    Click on Copy embed code to select the text for you. Then, paste the code in your HTML for your webpage.

    The process is very straightforward. If you use a different hosting provider from Buzzsprout, check if they have a knowledge base to help you locate the embed code.

    Note: Using a website builder such as WordPress? You can paste your code in the Edit with Elementor section. If you need more guidance on this process, check out this article.

    How to Embed a Spotify Podcast on Your Website

    With 64% of podcast listeners choosing to listen to their favorite shows on YouTube, Apple, and Spotify, it’s best practice to provide either the direct link or player to your show on at least one of these platforms. In this section, I’ll explain how to embed a Spotify player.

    While logged into my Spotify, I first locate my show’s page.

    embed podcast on website, my podcast page on spotify

    From there, I click on the episode I want to embed on my webpage and find the three-dot menu to access more options.

    embed podcast on website, individual podcast episode page on spotify

    Next, I click the Share button and the Embed episode option. This copies the embed code to my clipboard.

    Finally, I head to my code editor, VS code, and locate the div where I want to paste the code.

    embed podcast on website, div where i am placing spotify embed code

    Now, my Spotify listeners can listen to the episode directly from my website.

    embed podcast on website, my website with spotify podcast episode embed

    How to Embed an Apple Podcast on Your Website

    Once you learn how to embed your podcast on one platform, the others get easier. This is because the process is pretty similar. Let’s go over how I added the Apple player to my website.

    Apple has a nice tool called Apple Podcasts Connect, which is a platform for managing your podcast’s presence on Apple Podcasts. It offers tools to submit your show, track performance, and engage with listeners.

    I love this tool because it allows me to see how many downloads my show got and where my listeners are. This information is critical if you are trying to grow your podcast business.

    But without further ado, I’m now going to embed the Apple podcast episode player on my website. First, I locate Apple’s marketing tool and then I search for my show.

    embed podcast on website, apple services marketing tool homepage

    Next, I scroll down the page until I see Podcast Player.

    embed podcast on website, apple podcast player

    After selecting the episode I want, I click the Copy Embed option.

    embed podcast on website

    Then, I head over to my VS code editor and locate the div I want to paste my embedded code in.

    embed podcast on website, div for embedding apple podcast code

    And just like that, my Apple Podcast episode player is on my website.

    embed podcast on website

    Pro tip: You can use Apple’s marketing tool to create affiliate links, badges, assets, QR codes, and much more.

    Linking Episodes on Your Website

    If you want to provide a direct link to your episodes hosted on a platform without using the player, that’s also an option. In fact, I use both options on my podcast episode page, and I’ll show you how.

    But first, let me explain the difference between the two.

    Linking vs. Embedding a Podcast on Your Website

    As you saw through the processes I explained above, when I embed a podcast episode player on my website, I use an embed code (a snippet of HTML) to place a player directly on my website. This way, my audience can listen to the episode without leaving my site.

    In contrast, when I link my podcast episode, I’m simply providing a text link or button that takes my listener to that episode on a hosting platform like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Buzzsprout.

    How to Link Podcasts on Your Website

    I’ll use Spotify as my example here. Similar to the embed process, I first have to find the page where my episode is located. Next, I click on Share, and then Copy Episode Link.

    embed podcast on website, linking a podcast episode

    Once I have the link copied, I find the <a> tag in my HTML and paste the code between the quotation marks next to href, creating the hyperlink.

    embed podcast on website, adding podcast link to ahref

    Now my listeners can click on the Spotify button under each episode and it will direct them to the episode page on Spotify to listen to that specific episode.

    embed podcast on website, podcast episodes with platform links

    Promote Your Podcast on Your Website

    There you have it! I've walked you through the entire process of podcast embedding. You’re now equipped to give your listeners a front-row seat to your creativity — right from your website.

    As you can see, embedding your podcast is an easy process, and it makes sense to take advantage of this option and make your podcast simple to access. Now, sit back and watch your podcast reach expand as your visitors enjoy a straightforward listening experience!

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