SaaS Website Design: 20 of our Favorite Sites

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Madison Zoey Vettorino
Madison Zoey Vettorino



The best examples of software as a service (SaaS) website design balance functionality and aesthetic appeal — and do so effortlessly. However, if you've tried to create a site for your SaaS brand, you might know how tricky it can be, despite how easy the best SaaS websites make it seem. Getting inspiration for SaaS website design can help you seamlessly create your own.

Person researching SaaS website design best practices

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In this post, we'll show you 20 of the best SaaS websites to help get your creative juices flowing to make your own successfully.

20 Favorite SaaS Web Design Examples

1. HubSpot

saas website design: hubspot website as an example with copy that reads grow better with hubspot

What we like: We'll admit we're biased for naming HubSpot one of our favorite SaaS website examples, but hear us out. HubSpot's website prioritizes accessibility, features cohesive branding, and provides visitors with straightforward calls to action (CTAs) that convert. Plus, when you scroll down on the homepage, you can check out some statistics which reveal HubSpot's reach.

2. Spotify

saas website design: spotify homepage looks like a user's spotify playlist landing page on their personal account

What we like: Spotify is one of the best SaaS websites because when visitors arrive on the homepage, it looks like a Spotify browser. If you click on a playlist displayed, it prompts you to start listening by signing up for a free account. This is both clever and effective. Plus, we love how unique Spotify's design is.

3. Linktree

saas website design: linktree homepage features a lot of text and product sample on right side of screen

What we like: This website demonstrates that SaaS website design can be simple and still make an impact. The Linktree website is colorful, but it doesn't feel like overkill. (And if you need some suggestions for color combos to try on your own site, we have you covered.) As you scroll down, Linktree showcases what the product looks like to inspire visitors to get started with their own. We also love the clever call to action towards the bottom of the homepage, where visitors can insert their Linktree idea in a form and may "Claim your Linktree."

4. Klezma

saas website design: Klezma homepage

What we like: The first thing that caught our eye about Klezma is the parallax scrolling. It makes the entire website more engaging and introduces different elements of the site in a more intuitive cadence. Klezma also demonstrates the power of picking a font that feels authentic to your brand. Lastly, we love the frequently asked questions section at the bottom of the homepage.

5. Medley

saas website design: medley homepage has pops of lime green

What we like: Medley is another of our favorite SaaS website examples. This site features engaging copy, a visually appealing design on the homepage, and a simple menu that easily segments customers into the site section that is most helpful for them. As you scroll, you can also learn more about Medley users, who provide further insight into what the company does. We also love the usage of the dictionary-style definition on the homepage.

6. Cococart

saas website design: cococart shows the product on a phone on the right side of the screen

What we like: Cocart's website stands out for a few reasons. For one, it features a bold mustard yellow background which is an appealing change. Second, Cococart demonstrates what the software can help you build through a GIF-style animation on a mobile phone. And lastly, Cococart has engaging copy down — it inspires visitors to take action.

7. Mymind

saas website design: mymind has a gradient background

What we like: Gradients are one of this year's trendiest web design elements, and the Mymind website proves why. Not only is it eye-grabbing, but it also is engaging without being too busy. We love the vague copy centered on the homepage, which makes you want to learn more about this software and what it does.

8. Buffer

saas website design: buffer

What we like: Buffer's website demonstrates the power of white space — and includes imagery that feels authentic to your brand story on your website. We love how Buffer features cartoon-style images and uses these to walk you through the steps of using the software.

9. Hex

saas website design: hex

What we like: Even before you arrive on the Hex website, you know what the company does, thanks to its domain extension. Hex includes a demo video on its homepage so visitors can see the software in action. Plus, the homepage is comprehensive and answers every question you may have.

10. Rippling

saas website design: rippling homepage

What we like: The colors on Rippling's website also stand out for all the right reasons. The site asks you to input your email to "See Rippling," which is an attractive call to action. As you scroll down, you learn more about the software's different facets. We also love how the design team which created this website included a place for quotes.

11. Loom

saas website design: loom

What we like: Loom is another one of the best SaaS websites. We love how the team includes a statistic in their homepage copy, so visitors have a number that sticks around in their heads. The branding throughout the website is another strength of Loom, and we love how you get a walkthrough of how to use Loom on the homepage itself

12. Wonder

saas website design: wonder

What we like: Wonder showcases a video on its homepage, making it stand out for visitors. Another visually attractive feature of Wonder is the strong contrast between the lime green calls to action and the navy homepage background. This website is also exceptionally cohesive.

13. Airtable

saas website design: airtable

What we like: Airtable uses animations on its homepage to add visual interest and reveal how its software works. As you peruse each topic on the homepage, a call to action invites you to learn more. The thorough footer is also an appealing feature of this website.

14. Vercel

saas website design: vercel

What we like: Vercel features text that lights up word by word as you spend time on the homepage. This ensures that visitors read each word. We also love how intuitive scrolling down on the homepage feels. The team walks you through the entire process, from development to previewing to shipping. At the bottom, the company extends an invitation to begin.

15. Orderful

saas website design: orderful

What we like: Next up, Orderful does an excellent job as it showcases the big-name clients that use this software to make their business a success. For smaller up-and-coming companies, this brand recognition can powerfully suggest that if you use the software, your organization can reach similar levels of success. We enjoy the thorough menu and appealing calls to action in the top right corner.

16. Lokalise

saas website design: lokalise

What we like: What stands out immediately upon arriving on the Lokalise homepage is a quote featured that reveals how useful this software is. We also enjoy the straightforward copy and digestible calls to action. As you scroll down, small sketches that match the rest of the branding explain how you can use this software.

17. Gusto

saas website design: gusto

What we like: Gusto prioritizes function and accessibility, which we can appreciate. The branding is clean, and the fonts used throughout the site are easy to read. Though Gusto's menu on top of the homepage is simple, when you select a tab, you are offered a wide range of smaller subsections which is appealing.

18. Milkshake

saas website design: milkshake

What we like: The Milkshake website is simple but impactful. When you land on this website, you are invited to download the app in the App Store for ios users or get the product on Google play. When you click, you get redirected there so visitors don't have to jump through hurdles to reach the download button. From there, you can scroll down and learn more about how it works, plus check out some of the internationally recognized places the software has been featured.

19. Mailchimp

saas website design: mailchimp

What we like: Mailchimp excels in balancing copy and imagery. Plus, we're huge fans of how direct the copywriting is and how there's a clear sentiment: Transform your emails into profit. Everything you need to know about Mailchimp is accessible on the homepage, from a video showcasing what the product does to information regarding pricing. We love how visitors don't have to search around for that information and instead are presented with it promptly.

20. Prisma Labs

saas website design: prisma labs

What we like: Prisma Labs features a minimalistic homepage which is its strength. The central focus is a moving mobile phone image showcasing the product in use. We also love how the primary copy in the center of the homepage asks the visitors a question, making the entire page more engaging.

Get started making your own SaaS website design.

After perusing these SaaS website design examples, we're guessing you're feeling better prepared to get started on your own. Happy creating!

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