Desk Ergonomics: Posture Tips to Stay Happier & Healthier at Work [Infographic]

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Lindsay Kolowich Cox
Lindsay Kolowich Cox



You may not spend much time thinking about your posture when you're getting work done at your desk each day, but it can have a significant long-term impact on your health.

Just think about how much time you spend at your desk. Often, you'll be sitting or standing in the same position, hour after hour, day after day, week after week. If your position of choice is hunched over, or puts a strain on your neck, or means you type in a way that stresses out your wrists ... then you're might run into some health issues down the line.

Turns out there are right and wrong ways to sit and stand at your desk. If you're using a sitting desk, for example, then you should position the computer screen at your eye level to prevent neck aches. If you're using a standing desk, you should stand 20–28 inches away from the screen and keeping your keyboard at or below elbow height. 

For more desk ergonomics tips, check out the infographic below from Ultimate Mats. It covers how to relieve pain points at a standing desk and a sitting desk, as well as advice on the best hand positions for typing and other tips for a healthier office life.


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