Where Time Gets Lost at Work (And How to Get It Back) [Infographic]

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Erik Devaney
Erik Devaney



We've all been there: heads down on an important project, cranking away, and then  woosh. You fly into a meeting. And then woosh, you fly into another meeting. Your stomach grumbles. It's lunchtime. You decide to work at your desk so you can keep cranking on that project. But then ping, there's a message from your manager. You have to drop everything and help put out a (digital) fire. By the time you get back to your important project, it's 6 p.m. and everyone is packing up to go home.

What the heck happened to the day?!?

If you believe in the supernatural, you might be tempted to think that a Bermuda Triangle-esque time warp has opened up in your office, and you've been unwillingly sucked into its swirling vortex of temporal confusion.

But for a more scientific answer to the question, the team at Scoro has got you covered. Their infographic highlights some of the workday's biggest time-wasters, along with suggestions for how you can avoid them.


Have any tips for how you can use your time more productively at work? Leave a comment below.

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