Career success depends on a multitude of factors -- your relationship with your manager, how much you enjoy of what you’re doing, and your skill level, for instance. Bottom line: there’s no one single factor that determines whether or not you’re in the right place.

But personality certainly plays a large role. If you tend toward creative pursuits but must adhere to rigid, repetitive processes at work, you’ll likely be less happy -- and successful -- than someone who enjoys structure.
While there are many tests that purport to reveal the inner workings of your personality, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is one of the most well-known. The MBTI measures personality types on four dichotomies: extrovert or introvert, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, and judging or perception.
Although no psychological test can fully encapsulate one person’s personality and behavioral tendencies, the MBTI is useful for its broad indicators of the types of activities you’re likely to excel at.
There are 16 possible MBTI personality types, each with its own unique set of strengths -- and suitable careers.
For example, the ESTJ type are “Guardians,” who “seek out jobs in which they can feel accomplished and important, as well as helpful. ESTJs tend to be good salespeople, teachers, and military officers.
Check out the infographic below from College Matchup outlining the remaining 15 personality types and their best-fit careers.